Murray Madness

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Here you are with daddy,singing hush a bye bear bears now a sleep shshshsh.We took you to see the dorothy show at the parent and baby show,your favourite dorothy was there singing all the songs you love.


I thought that i would like to put my ballet outfit
over my new tshirt that my sister Kylie bought home from Darwin.
This was over my pyjamas which were over my bike shorts.The shoes are a bit big but i love it! my Auntie Vicki gave it to me for my second birthday.


Wednesday, March 07, 2007

I love dorothy the dinosaur from the wiggles.
I'm now two years old.I had agreat birthday party
with all my family and friends.


Look at this,my new cubbyhouse .My sisters gave this to me for my birthday and i just love it.


Hi all it has been along time ,here i am the night before i turned two.

I'm getting really big now and talk all the time.
